Whether you’re networking at an event or hanging out with a friend, it can be challenging to keep the conversation going. This is where having good small talk topics up your sleeve can help.
Ask about their day.
Having fun phone call conversation starters in your back pocket will help spark conversations with new people, whether at a casual party, business event, or family picnic. Keep these open-ended questions in mind to get the ball rolling.
How was your day? This is a standard question that can work in just about any situation. It’s a great way to keep the conversation flowing and learn about other aspects of their lives.
Ask about their weekend.
This question is a great way to keep the conversation going after they wish you a lovely weekend. It also gives you an idea of their interests and how they spend their time.
When a guy asks about your weekend, it usually indicates that he is interested in you and wants to know more about you. From your answer, he can also understand your personality better.
Ask about their family.
Whether you’re talking to your family over Thanksgiving dinner or new neighbors on a summer walk, asking about their family is a fun way to break the ice and get to know them better. You can also ask about their siblings, hobbies, and interests to learn more about their background. The possibilities are endless!
Ask about their pets.
A great way to connect with customers is to ask about their pets. It can be a fun and lighthearted topic of discussion, as most people love talking about their pets!
However, pet owners may struggle to keep their pets quiet during video calls. Try suggesting tips to prevent their pets from barking or meowing during the call.
Ask about their friends.
Starting conversations with new people can be challenging, but having some great conversation starters can help you get the ball rolling.
Talking about their friends can be fun, especially about common interests. It can also be an excellent way to learn about their favorite bands or TV shows.
Ask about their hobbies.
When you ask someone about their hobbies, it shows that you’re interested in them as a person. It also allows you to learn about their interests and find common ground.
This question is great for people who love to travel or can spark a conversation about their favorite hometown. It’s also a fun way to get a laugh.
Ask about their interests.
Forget the safe topics like religion and politics instead, ask about their interests. This is a great way to find out more about the caller, and it can help you build rapport and make them feel valued during the phone call.
What’s your favorite movie? This question can open the door to a conversation about movies and books. You can even move the conversation to the topic of celebrities.
Ask about their hobbies.
Often, interviewers ask questions about hobbies to see how a candidate unwinds in their spare time. It also allows them to determine your cultural fit and how your skills and experiences might be helpful in the role.
However, mentioning political opinions or anything controversial is a big no-no, as it can leave a wrong impression on the interviewer. Moreover, talking too much about your hobbies can be a good use of your time.
Ask about their friends.
Whether hanging out with friends or networking at a business event, chatting it up can take time and effort. Good conversation starters can help you break the ice and keep the conversation going.
Depending on the person, you could ask about their favorite animals. You can also ask about their hobbies or favorite places to travel. This is a great way to get to know someone better!
Ask about their interests.
The last thing a customer wants is to be put on hold for long. It can be avoided by using tools to identify customers and provide them with a great experience.
People love to talk about themselves. Asking them about their interests can help you learn more about them and build a rapport. The key is to keep it fun and lighthearted.